Blogs are valuable, being content you create over time that can continue to add value to people many years in the future.

Indeed, I shared in ‘the £3,000,000 blog’ how one of Vanessa Warwick’s blogs could actually be worth three million pounds!

BUT… where is your blog located?

Another tip I picked up from Nick Tadd a while ago: If it’s on somebody else’s site it’s not benefiting your own visibility as much as it can if it based on your own site.

This is one of the reasons I have commissioned Jay & Ces Loftus to develop my blog into a feature of my website, and this blog will be transferring there in the future.

Another thing to remember if your blog is on someone else’s site is, do you have a backup?

What happens if you go to your blog one morning only to find it has gone, perhaps because the hosting site has ceased?

Having your own blog on your own site, and backing it up, is something I’d definitely recommend – that way you have much more control over data that could be worth millions of pounds.